Business Directory Space City Time Capsule

H.A. Paine’s Machinery

Herbert Albert Paine (b. 1858) was a salesman for Erie City Iron Works, a boiler and engine company based out of Erie, Pennsylvania. In 1909, he spearheaded the company’s Gulf Coast expansion and built “H.A. Paine’s Machinery” at 1303 Nance Street.

McKay Company Commercial Photography / 1911
Location: 1302-1312 Nance

The fireproof, brick building contained and manufactured steam pumps, air compressors, condensers, and gasoline engines. Paine, and his crew, also installed irrigation plants and machinery for dredging and hoisting. Erie City Iron Works and Paine were well-renowned for their quality throughout Houston, Pennsylvanian, and most of the not only in Houston and Pennsylvania, but the United States as a whole.

The 1913 book Pen and Sunlight Sketches of Greater Houston, which showcased various local businessmen and entrepreneurs, had good things to say about H.A. Paine, as seen below.

“The individual efforts of a number of Houston’s business men have done a great deal toward bringing trade to this city, and among these exceptional individuals, H.A. Paine is one of the most progressive. “

Pen and Sunlight Sketches of Greater Houston (1913)

“Mr. Paine is one of the well known business men of the city; his ability is recognized as extraordinary, and he is highly respected as a citizen.”

Pen and Sunlight Sketches of Greater Houston (1913)

Mr. Paine died in 1944 but his building is still standing today. Today, the striking warehouse at 1302 Nance is home to various businesses, including art studios and even a restaurant.

Below is a present-day street view of H.A. Paine’s building.

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